En glad nyhet är att PIRLS har fört in bilden i förståelseprocessen. Bilden som en del i läsförståelsen är viktig. Samtidigt blir det inte lättare vilket vi blev varse när vi fick se ett exempel där det faktiskt krävdes att läsaren läste bildtexten för att kunna förstå, tolka och svara rätt på frågan.


Ensimmäinen PIRLS-tutkimus toteuttiin vuonna 2001. Suomi on osallistunut tutkimukseen vuosina 2011 ja 2016. Suomi on myös mukana uudella PIRLS-tutkimuksen kierroksella, jonka pääkoe on vuonna 2021. Suomessa tutkimusten toteuttamisesta vastaa Jyväskylän yliopiston Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos. Mikä on PIRLS-hank­keen tar­koi­tus?

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) is an independent worldwide research study, taking place every five years and providing data about trends in reading literacy over time. It assesses the knowledge and skills of pupils aged 9–10 in around 60 countries. PIRLS is a project of the International Association for the ‎Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), and is managed at an international level by the ‎International Study Center in Boston College. Within each participating country, a National ‎Research Centre manages the study.


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ГБОУ «Школа №1270 «Вектор» включена в выборку московских школ! 13 May 2019 Bugun har bir fan o'qituvchisi xalqaro baholash tizimi haqida ma'lumotga ega bo' lishi va o'quvchilarni PISA va PIRLS baholash imtihonlariga  4 май 2013 PIRLS. Изучение качества чтения и понимания текста. Книга для чтения: Природа. Тетрадь Д2. Файл формата zip; размером 6,40 МБ  21 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2018 وأوضح مدير إدارة الجودة وقياس الأداء بـ تعليم نجران الأستاذ محمد آل هتيله أن الاختبارات الدولية TIMSS- PIRLS-PISA هي مجموعة من الدراسات تهدف إلى معرفة  1 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2019 ‫بيرلـز ‪2021‬‬ ‫نشرة بيرلز التعليمية‬ ‫ما هو اختبار بيرلز )‪ (PIRLS‬؟‬ ‫اختبار عالمي يقوم على أساس المقارنة بين دول العالم لقياس قدرات طلبة‬  PIRLS. Nombre completo: Estudio Internacional de Progreso en Comprensión Lectora (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, PIRLS).

PIRLS is a valuable vehicle for studying whether new or revised policies impact achievement. The PIRLS 2021 Reading Assessment Framework and the instruments developed to assess this framework reflect IEA’s commitment to be forward thinking. For 2021, PIRLS is focusing on converting to a digital format. Presenting PIRLS reading passages

Portugal participou pela primeira vez em 2011, voltou a participar em 2016, no PIRLS e no ePIRLS, o novo programa de literacia de Leitura em formato digital desenvolvido pela IEA. O próximo ciclo do PIRLS e do ePIRLS irá decorrer em 2021. PIRLS står for Progress in International Reading Literacy Study.


Feedback | Contact Us Overview The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study ( PIRLS ) is administered every five years in more than 55 education.


PIRLS er en trendundersøkelse som gjennomføres hvert femte år – første gang i 2001, siden i 2006, 2011 og 2016.


PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) is IEA’s newly-devel-oped assessment of students’ reading achievement at fourth grade. Designed to provide trends in reading achievement on a regular fi ve-year cycle, PIRLS 2001 has been completed with 35 countries participating and development of PIRLS 2006 is well underway. Mezinárodní šetření PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) je zaměřeno na testování čtenářské gramotnosti žáků 4.
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Suomessa tutkimusten toteuttamisesta vastaa Jyväskylän yliopiston Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos.

13 May 2019 Bugun har bir fan o'qituvchisi xalqaro baholash tizimi haqida ma'lumotga ega bo' lishi va o'quvchilarni PISA va PIRLS baholash imtihonlariga  4 май 2013 PIRLS. Изучение качества чтения и понимания текста. Книга для чтения: Природа. Тетрадь Д2. Файл формата zip; размером 6,40 МБ  21 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2018 وأوضح مدير إدارة الجودة وقياس الأداء بـ تعليم نجران الأستاذ محمد آل هتيله أن الاختبارات الدولية TIMSS- PIRLS-PISA هي مجموعة من الدراسات تهدف إلى معرفة  1 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2019 ‫بيرلـز ‪2021‬‬ ‫نشرة بيرلز التعليمية‬ ‫ما هو اختبار بيرلز )‪ (PIRLS‬؟‬ ‫اختبار عالمي يقوم على أساس المقارنة بين دول العالم لقياس قدرات طلبة‬  PIRLS.
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10 Lut 2021 Badanie PIRLS 2021 w Polsce prowadzi Instytut Badań Informacje o badaniu znajdują się na stronie pirls.ibe.edu.pl oraz www.iea.nl.

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) is an international comparative assessment that measures student learning in reading. Since 2001, PIRLS has been administered every 5 years. PIRLS documents worldwide trends in the reading knowledge of 4th-graders as well as school and teacher practices related to instruction. PIRLS has monitored trends in reading achievement at the fourth grade since 2001. PIRLS is administered every five years, making 2021 the fifth assessment of PIRLS. PIRLS 2021 began the transition to digitalPIRLS, where countries can administer PIRLS 2021 in digital or paper format. digitalPIRLS includes ePIRLS.

13 May 2019 Bugun har bir fan o'qituvchisi xalqaro baholash tizimi haqida ma'lumotga ega bo' lishi va o'quvchilarni PISA va PIRLS baholash imtihonlariga 

ročníku základních škol.Cyklus tohoto šetření je pětiletý. Šetření je na mezinárodní úrovni koordinováno Mezinárodní asociací pro hodnocení výsledků vzdělávání (The International Association for the Evaluation of PIRLS 2001 User Guide for the International Database (updated), Gonzalez, E.J., & Kennedy, A.M. (2003), Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

To download certain exhibits, first check the files that you would like to download and then use the button toward the bottom of the page to select your preferred download format(s). PIRLS har hatt stor betydning for styrking av leseopplæring i norsk skole, og har spesielt rettet fokus mot betydningen av lesestrategier og tidlig innsats i leseopplæringen. PIRLS har også vært et viktig grunnlag for utvikling av nasjonale prøver i lesing på barnetrinnet. Демонстрационные варианты компьютерных тестов на основе интерактивных текстов по модели What can PIRLS tell us? PIRLS not only assesses pupil’s performance in reading, it also gathers information about how pupils home and school environments support their learning to read. The Centre administers PIRLS in England and provides scientifically sound results about the levels of reading comprehension of English pupils, how these are related to their individual characteristics and Šetření PIRLS se snaží také zmapovat význam rodinného, školního a širšího prostředí žáků pro rozvoj čtenářské gramotnosti. Čtenářská gramotnost je v šetření PIRLS chápána jako tvořivý a interaktivní proces, při kterém se klade důraz na funkční povahu čtení.